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Whether you want to build a lean, athletic body, build strength for a sport, lose weight, fix an injury or just want to get strong for personal satisfaction, i can create a program to fit your needs.

What to expect from the online strength training program


After you pay for the program, i will send you an email confirming payment. This email includes new client  paperwork that everyone must sign, such as the client questionnaire and health questionnaire. You fill these out, return them to me, and I review them. If I have any questions, I either ask via email or schedule a time to talk on the phone. If there are no questions, I move on to the next step.


The next step you'll take your starting stats, such as body stats and lifting stats, which I will use to track your progress over time. 


Based on the information provided in your forms and through my communications with you, I create a 4, 8 or 12-week online strength program customized to you, that:

  • Is built around your schedule

  • Focuses on the type of exercises you like and will help you reach your goals

  • Follows the principles of exercise programming such as specificity, periodization, progression, variety, etc.

  • Is 4, 8 or 12 weeks in length


The program will be built according to your skill level, among other factors. Why is this important? This helps determine:

  • Frequency of training (number of sessions per week)

  • Length of sessions (time spent during a single session)

  • Time between sessions (number of rest days between workouts)

  • Total rest days per week

  • Type of exercises included

  • Volume (exercises x sets x reps)

  • Rest intervals (how long you rest between sets/exercise)

  • Load used (weight used on specific exercises)

  • Type of progressions (which variable changes over time)

  • Rate of progression (the pace at which intensity increases)


At the end of each week, I review the week of workouts, set-up workouts for the next week, and provide you a cumulative feedback message.


At the end of each four-week period, I take a close look at your progress.


The process continues like this for the duration of the 4, 8 or 12 weeks. At the end of the program, I take a look at your progress and other factors and determine how to move forward.


All programs are 4, 8 or 12 weeks (one, two or three months) in length. 

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